Monday, 3 November 2008

Scouting for Boys in Dark Places Where the Shadows Lie : Aragorn

Name: Aragorn, son of Arathorn, last King of Gondor (at least until he gets shacked up and has babies, but that doesn't happen in the movies.)

Known aliases: Strider, the Elfstone, some other ones I can't remember.

Habitat: Middle-earth, in particular dark places or remote wastelands where he can skulk around being mysterious yet also awesome, and where he won't have to wash his hair.

Distinguishing features: Scandavian good looks. Failure to shave fully. Ability to fight everything, and to fall down cliffs painfully and survive.

Common habits: Running away from and then back to his destiny. Saying soppy things to Liv Tyler in elvish. Being awesome.

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